I went to the parties all the nights, every day did something different but always in the square of la Cañada.
The first day there was movil disco where all the people were dancing following the music. Also made a paella competition before the movil disco.
After the party Paula.S, Carol, Ana, Paula.P and I went to the Ana’s house at three a.m, we were all the night at her home and we went to sleep at six a.m, was a good night.
The second day there was only movil disco but it was suspended and it sounded a unknow group.
The third night there was verbena but we didn't like it so we go to the park. After there was a movil disco and we went to dance.
This night they went to my house and we stay there all the night.
At four of morning Carol was connect at tuenti and she was speaking with a friend, Jorge, and he told her that he and two friends were in the garden gate, in my house. We went out and saw them, my parents were sleeping and that boys are not silent but I let them into my house.
The parties were well but I liked more the parties of Plantio because there were more people, I was more enjoy and every day they was movil disco.
I also went with Paula and Carol to the parties of Olocau, we went only one day, there was very few people but there was fun.

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